Response Code | Title | Description |
401 | MISSING_TOKEN | Request missing CEQUENS token. |
401 | INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN | CEQUENS Token exist but not a following the bearer token specification. |
401 | VALIDATION | The account is: |
401 | TOKEN | CEQUENS token doesn’t exist or invalid. |
400 | Media download error | Failed to download the media from the sender. |
401 | Group does not exist | Message failed to send because this group doesn't exist or you're not a participant. |
402 | Business eligibility — Payment issue | Message failed to send because there were one or more errors related to your payment method. |
408 | Message is not valid | Message failed to send because it was pending for too long. |
410 | Message expired | Message failed to send during its Time To Live (TTL) duration. |
429 | Rate limit hit | Message failed to send because there were too many messages sent from this phone number in a short period of time. |
430 | Unsigned certificate | Message failed to send because there was an error related to your certificate. |
432 | Certificate ID mismatch | Message failed to send because there was an error related to your certificate. |
433 | Certificate signature invalid | Occurs when a message is sent but the business client's certificate is not properly signed using the client's identity keys. This likely indicates that the client re-registered with new identity keys but did not go through the full certificate creation flow. |
470 | Re-engagement message | Message failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number. |
471 | Spam Rate limit hit | Message failed to send because there are restrictions on how many messages can be sent from this phone number. This may be because too many previous messages were blocked or flagged as spam. |
472 | User's number is part of an experiment | Failed to send message because this user's phone number is part of an experiment. |
500 | Generic error | Message failed to send because of an unknown error. |
1000 | Generic error |
1001 | Message too long | Message length exceeds 4096 characters. |
1002 | Invalid recipient type | Valid recipient types are: |
1003 | Not a group participant | User is not a participant of the group. |
1004 | Resource already exists | Possible UUID conflict for media upload request or media with that UUID already exists. |
1005 | Access denied | Media directory is not writable (upload request) or |
1006 | Resource not found | File or resource not found |
1007 (Deprecated) | Recipient blocked to receive message | Recipient is not whitelisted |
1008 | Required parameter is missing | Missing a required parameter |
1009 | Parameter value is not valid | Value entered for a parameter is of the wrong type or other problem. |
1010 | Parameter is not required | Contains a parameter that is not required. |
1011 | Service not ready |
1012 | Group is unknown | You will receive this error when you send messages to a group in which you are the only member. Add some members to the group before sending messages. |
1013 | User is not valid |
1014 | Internal error | Upload failed on bad image (image not uploaded correctly) or endpoint not found |
1015 | Too many requests | Client-side rate limit has been hit |
1016 | System overloaded | If the system is under heavy load, this error is returned to allow the system to recover from the load. |
1017 | Not Primary Master | You receive this error when a master-only request, such as set settings, get settings, import, export, code request, register, etc. is sent to a node that is not a primary master. This could happen when the WhatsApp Business API Client is not setup properly or internal errors. |
1018 | Not Primary Coreapp | You receive this error when requests are sent to a Coreapp node that is not the shard owner or in the process to become the shard owner. You might see this error when we are doing shard failover in the multiconnect setup. |
1019 | Not a group admin |
1020 | Bad group |
1021 | Bad User | You will receive this message when you send a message to yourself. |
1022 | Webhooks URL is not configured | You will receive this error if you have not configured the REST API Webhooks format. |
1023 | Database error occurred |
1024 | Password Change Required | You are required to change your password. |
1025 | Invalid Request | The request is not valid. |
1026 | Receiver Incapable | The receiver is incapable of receiving this message. |
2000 | Template Param Count Mismatch | Number of parameters provided does not match the expected number of parameters. |
2001 | Template Missing | Template does not exist for a language and locale. |
2002 | Template Fetch Failed | The receiver failed to download the template. |
2003 | Template Pack Missing | No templates exist for a specific language and locale. |
2004 | Template Param Length Too Long | Parameter length too long |
2005 | Template Hydrated Text Too Long | Translated text too long |
2006 | Template White Space Policy Violated | Whitespace policy violated |
2007 | Template Format Character Policy Violated | Format character policy violated |
2008 | Template Media Format Unsupported | Media format used is unsupported |
2009 | Template Required Component Missing | Required component in the Template is missing |
2010 | Template Invalid Hydrated URL | URL in button component is invalid |
2011 | Template Invalid Phone Number | Phone Number in button component is invalid |
2012 | Template Parameter Format Mismatch | Parameter format does not match format in the created Template |
2013 | Template Buttons Unsupported | Buttons are unsupported by the receiver |
What Does Each Error Code Mean? Print
Modified on: Mon, 20 Dec, 2021 at 2:58 PM
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